Survivor Moms' Companion® FAQs | For Parents

Q: Can I do this program if I can’t come in person to sessions?
A: Yes! We have a variety of tutors who are available to provide this program virtually, to meet your needs.

Q: How much does this program cost?
A: We are looking for ways to get Survivor Moms' Companion® (SMC) covered by private and Medicaid insurance. Currently, most of our doula tutors are able to bill Medicaid for sessions, but also provide sliding fee scale payment for those who do not qualify under Medicaid. The cost typically ranges from $0-$75. If payment is a barrier, please reach out to

Q: Can I tutor myself from the book or from the website?
A: No, this program is meant to be tutor-supported. Otherwise, it would be like learning algebra with a book only and no additional support. 

Q: Is this program only for moms?
A: The SMC pregnancy version is intended for the parent giving birth. 

Q: Do I have to talk about my own trauma?
A: No; in therapy, you talk about your past. The focus of SMC is on the present and future.

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