Survivor Moms' Companion® | Info for Parents

Survivor Moms’ Companion® (SMC) is a trauma-informed mental health education program designed for the unique needs of survivors and the professionals that serve them during and after pregnancy and in the early years of parenting. The course requires about 4-16 hours of time depending on your needs, and your tutor will be there to guide you throughout the process. You’re not alone—1 in 5 moms have experienced trauma. 

SMC Clients experienced significant improvements in: 

  • Anger expression
  • Social relationships and emotional reactivity
  • Management of PTSD symptoms in the presence of triggers
  • Number of PTSD symptoms
  • Postpartum mental health
  • Improved bonding with the newborn
  • Rating of labor experience
  • Satisfaction with care providers
  • Dissociation during labor

Is SMC Right for You?

Explore the SMC and decide if it's right for you


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What Our Clients Say About SMC:

This was the most helpful thing I did during pregnancy. It made a big difference, particularly the [women's stories]—a bigger difference than I expected.

The program made me feel like there was still hope for me moving forward.

[The tutor] is someone I can talk to and trust, and I get more information off of her than I could from my doctors or a counselor or anything.