Survivor Moms' Companion®

Support for New Parents Coping with Trauma

The Survivor Moms’ Companion® (SMC) is a psychoeducational program that reduces intergenerational cycles of abuse and vulnerability by addressing trauma-related mental health and development needs during pregnancy and the early postpartum period. It is primary prevention for their babies.

For Parents

Current or expecting parents may find out more about engaging with a certified SMC tutor here.

For Tutors

Current or prospective tutors may find out more about becoming a certified SMC tutor here.

For Providers

Providers may find out more about offering the SMC program to clients here.

At least one in five women has a history of abuse and neglect in childhood and youth, which makes them 12 times more likely to develop Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during the perinatal year.


20% of women have PTSD at some point in their lives.


8% of pregnant women have PTSD.

The “4 trimesters” of the childbearing year—from early pregnancy to the postpartum period—is the ideal time to break the cycle of abuse and maltreatment.

PTSD during and following pregnancy has a number of serious negative effects for both babies and mothers:

  • lower birth weight and shorter gestation,
  • less breastfeeding,
  • postpartum PTSD and depression,
  • difficulty bonding and less sensitive parenting,
  • an easily agitated baby who is difficult to calm, and
  • more involvement by child protective services.

PTSD in mothers who experienced abuse and neglect in their own youth is a strong predictor of cycles of abuse and psychiatric problems across generations. This makes PTSD a prime target for programs to break these cycles and improve babies' well-being and moms' mental health.

The need for trauma-informed care and trauma-specific treatments is clear. Until now, there has been no evidence-based, frontline intervention for PTSD designed for pregnant women and new moms.

The SMC was created by midwives, in partnership with survivor moms from diverse backgrounds, using “participatory action research.” This unique intervention helps women/parents manage PTSD triggers specific to childbirth, like fear of labor. It helps them  break the cycle of abuse with strategies to keep the child safe within the family system where past abuse occurred, and to manage PTSD reactions as they parent.

The SMC is an easy-to-follow, fully manualized psychoeducational program that maintains consistency among and across agency users. Using a 10-module, illustrated workbook, the moms meet by telephone or in person with their own “tutors” to get emotional support while discussing the information, practicing new skills, and problem solving. 

Published results of the University of Michigan and the University at Buffalo pilots demonstrate promising results. The National Association for Prevention of Cruelty to Children is currently using the SMC in England. Data will be collected from “champion sites” and other early adopters until a firm evidence base is established.

Growing Forward Together, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, makes SMC available to perinatal and pediatric providers by training tutors to deliver the program and supporting them with technical assistance and opportunities to connect to a community of practice that links tutors.  

The SMC is aligned with SAMHSA’s call for trauma-specific interventions and trauma-informed care. The SMC also is designed to integrate well with home-visiting programs and group prenatal care.

Moms Talking About SMC

I liked it because it helped a lot [with] emotions during pregnancy. I'm glad I said yes to the program.

I enjoyed the vocabulary. It allowed me to talk to different people about it. It allowed me to feel safe giving birth.

This was the most helpful thing I did during pregnancy. It made a big difference, particularly the vignettes—a bigger difference than I expected.

It was a really great experience. I learned a lot about myself; that I have trust issues. Some of those things are PTSD-related. I didn't test positive [for PTSD], but I was close.